Monday, August 2, 2010

JailbreakMe 2.0 Launch !! Jailbreaks All Apple iOS 4.0, 4.0.1 and 3.2.1 Devices

Breaking News, finally JailbreakMe 2.0 came out!!


JailbreakMe 2.0, a browser-based jailbreak app for iPhones and iPads, has just gone live and pretty much opens up any iOS device you have handy, all the way back to the iPhone 3G.

As a browser-based app, all you need to do is direct your device to the Jailbreak Me website at (currently very busy) and successfully load the page.

If you're antsy about such a maneuver, wait a while and various sites, including the technical tipsters at Redmond Pie, will have some how-to guides handy for your enjoyment. [Redmond Pie]

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